around?? Apparently it's all over the country, we even have some here
in Chester.
Conference was awesome!!! I don't know what it is but General
Conference on your mission is awesome!! One of my favorite things was
what Uchdorf said "we walk a path lined with diamonds but we often
mistake them for ordinary pebbles" I don't know if that was his exact
wording but I thought it was really powerful. I think a lot of times
in life we take for granted the simple and easy things. I've noticed
that especially on my mission.
I also loved how the whole theme of conference was on repentance and
prayer. Juan A. Uceda who gave the talk about sincere prayer also came
and talked to us in the MTC! I loved his talk because I remember
seeing Machu Picchu and the Inca Trail. I think we all, especially
myself, get in a pattern where we open our prayers with the same
couple of things we are thankful for. For me I realized that the first
thing I always say is "I'm thankful for this day" when in reality I'm
not even sure why I am, I'm just saying it. So I've been trying real
hard to make sure I take my time with my prayers and really mean what
I say. It takes a little longer to say my prayers now but trust me
I've seen a HUGE difference.
This week it rained a ton, which made tracting pretty fun. You would
think it would make people want to let you inside so you can get out
of the rain but it actually makes people not want to let you in
because you're soaked and they don't want you getting water all over
their house. Most of our investigators have fallen through or lost
interest, even the really solid ones, which is pretty hard. Especially
when the other missionaries in our district are having a ton of
success. One day when I was feeling down I realized that it doesn't
matter if you can see the success, God puts us in the areas we are
needed and we are blessing the lives of others wether we can see it or
I loved the challenge in General Conference to try and read the Book
of Mormon as Joseph Smith, seeing for the first time. I think everyone
should try it. The Book of Mormon is full of amazing truths that we
often overlook because we take them for granted. However, if you read
with a purpose and actually try to learn, I know you can learn
something new each time you open the book!
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